About Steph Stewart
Creative on Demand
As a designer, it’s my job to bring ideas into reality. I work with my clients closely so that I have an understanding of what they are trying to achieve with each piece, not just what they want it to look like.
I have extensive knowledge of printing, and often broker printing for my clients. I also do imaging for social media and email content.
Design of 16 page Annual Report for Dress for Success Cincinnati.
Design of 64 page Maysville Tourism Visitor Guide, including custom illustrated maps.
Design of shopping bag give-away, sticker, and trade show booth displays.
Design of MaysvilleOpoly - an an award-winning Monopoly style board game for the area Chamber of Commerce, involving real estate cards, chance cards, play money, board, and box.
Etsy Store with custom notecards and prints.

"If the only tool you have in your toolbox is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail." Abraham Maslow
Most people tend to view graphic design this way. 'I need something to hand out at that trade show, and I need it yesterday. Doesn't matter what it looks like, just make sure it has the info on it.'
Most people, especially entrepreneurs, don't have time or desire to make sure the 'throwaway' piece conveys the mission, tells whoever holds it something about the company, product, or service, is consistent with the other pieces - or goes in a completely new direction. That's my job.
I take the time to research not just what you say you need, but what you're meaning to say. I look at what you've done before, what your competition is doing, and what gives you the best bang for your buck. I've been told that my talent is not just great design, but my understanding of the role it plays in communication. And that's why you hire a designer.