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Maysville Tourism Visitor Guide

2020 visitor guide_inside

Most visitor guides take a very long time to produce. It invariably starts as an off-season project that runs head-long into a very busy tourism season. This one took about 15 months to produce, with the summer on-hold period. It's fine with me - the book is beautiful and getting rave reviews! 

The guide is 64 pages with beautiful photography. I laid it out by section using the new town icon logos to denote the sections. They are fun images that reflect Maysville's history. The use of the full logo on the cover at a 90-degree turn is intentional - when the guides are standing up vertically in the rack at visitor centers, the title and logo will be horizontal and at the top. 

I used the octagon design element to highlight page numbers as well as to call out snippets of Maysville history and interest. Our plan was to make the guide fun to read as well as functional. 

I also made illustrated maps of the downtown, Old Washington historic district, and Mason County. This was something new for me, but I am pleased with the turnout - and more importantly, so is my client! 

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